Friday, November 25, 2011


Follows a report from House Drakul, of a recent Enrapture.

Over the day of Tuesday 22th Novambra, we are very pleased to be able to report that an Enrapture took place in Venexia given by the House of Drakuli.
   The experience was overwhelming, and the Isle crowded with rejoicing and excitement.
 Mikkah Rosi Drakul, leader of the House of the Drakuli Coven had chosen a human Ardarious Lightheart as a welcome member of the House Drakuli.
     Dogaressa Mikkah tells us about the experience briefly:
     "I can tell you that the experience was very different and above all, most very tiring in the end. A lot was taken and given in this Enrapture. Yet I do not for one moment regret any of the process at all. It was a beautiful dark feeling to give of my blood to someone worthy of honor and loyalty. Ardarious has been in our services for a long time. He has certainly earned the title to be a Drakuli"
She continued:
"We wished for this Enrapture to live long in the hearts of those who watched, that they may experience our great traditions in the flesh, and learn the old ways, should they themselves one day be called upon to Enrapture"
And it was indeed a great spectacle for the people of Venexia, and an education in our dark traditions.
Asked of the vita itself she said:
"The vita itself was powerful and the essence within it was unspilled and untainted when given. It was a glorious moment and an experience never to be forgotten"
There was much rejoicing and celebration at the emergence of  the new Novus Ardarious Lightheart, who we all welcome with open arms to the House of Drakul.

So Let us hope then that our new Brother Ardarious is worthy of his place in the fine and ancient House of Drakul, Honoured of the seven, Guardians of the Books.

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