Friday, April 20, 2012

Sultry WonderLand Today @ 12:30pm On The Bordello ROOF !!

You awake to find yourself in a smoke filled room. Nothing is as it seemed... towering shrooms surround you. Vibrant colors flood your mind's eye as other playfully scary images of lustful creatures dance around you.... where are you? You're not in Wonderland... but the Bordello roof top! The event... Sultry Wonderland!

There will be a queen off! A battle where ladies face off to take the title of Red Queen and lead the event in a grand group dance! Watch Contessa Bridget and Dogressa "duel" to earn the right to be called red queen of the evening!

Lots of drug use! Bring your favorite opium pipe, drugs will be supplied the talented and perverted Primus, Anton. As always, second floor will host a drug induced orgy!

And best of all, there will be a costume contest! A thousand gold coins to the one with the best! Five hundred for the runner up!

Time: April 20th at 12:30pm SL
Location: The bordello roof top

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

AN INTERVIEW WITH THE KARNSTEIN (PART 2) – Lord Anton on His New Position and His Candidacy for Lead Dottore

Lord Anton on His New Position and His Candidacy for Lead Dottore

Written BY:  Pasha Braveheart
As my interview with the Domina drew to a close, I focused
my attention to Lord Anton von Rietberg whowas obviously anxious to share his thoughts on his recent promotion to Secondin Command under Domina and his declaredcandidacy for Lead Dottore of Venexia.  Wellknown throughout Venexia as the most perverted of all the chosen, it occurredto me that a more appropriate title for Lord Anton might be Master of Perversion.  However, putting that thought aside, I began by asking Lord Anton how he felt about assuming the responsibility of Second in Command.   With a look of pride, he replied,“It was an honor to be trusted by our leader to an important position, although I don't feel it necessary to change what I do every day.  I am always ready to perform my duty to the coven and the Bordello, whether I am the Scourge or Primus doesn't change that.  Nor would it necessarily mean I would be better behaved around the city.  I think Domina and others would be extremely disappointed if I suddenly became an upstanding and well mannered Chosen, instead of the perverted chosen that Ialways have been.”  I smirked at his response, knowing full well there was no possibility of a change in Lord Antonsince it was quite obvious how much he enjoyed being the most notorious of perverts.Lord Anton then continued, “I accepted the job on the assumption that Domina Liang will give me a hefty pay raise and free reign to her rear end. It turnedout the pay raise was more of a dream and we already have a free reign of herrear as it was." I looked at Lord Anton, my mouth agape at such a responseas he felt quite tickled with himself and chuckled at my expense.  He then attempted to compose himself and reiterated,“On a serious note, it was an honor to be trusted by our leader to an importantposition.”

Having knowledge of the Karnsteins’ interest in developingan earnest plan to expand the breeding program and Domina expecting him to leadthat effort, I asked Lord Anton if he could elaborate on the details of such aplan. Lord Anton’s eyes brightened at the mention of the breeding program as heleered at me, making me somewhat uncomfortable as I adjusted my positionnervously.  Nodding his head, he explained, “It’s a discussion that we have been having in private for a while now.  The city has been flooded with poor quality bottled blood, and indirectly I think it's affecting the well being ofthe Chosen living in the city.  In order to change that, I think it's necessary to increase the availability of the organic food source… to be specific, the living blood stocks in the city so every Chosen has a better feeding life style than consuming those horrid bottled up blood. 

Turning thought to Lord Anton’s quest to be the lead Dottore of Venexia, I asked him what he’d like to convey to the citizens of Venexia regarding his intentions for that post.  Sitting straight up in his chair, he responded in his pretentious way, “I want to be thelead Dottore of Venexia and make that a key part of our breeding program.  I believe that the well being of our bloodstocks is important, especially if they are to breed the healthy offspring toensure and safeguard the quality of our future blood supplies.  And really, who else other than a Karnsteinihas better understanding of bodies!” Lord Anton let out a wicked chuckle at what he seemed to think was a clever remark.

Again capturing his composure, he added, “First andforemost, I seriously believe that not many others would have the same level ofunderstanding of the human body as I do. Every day and night I am putting this knowledge into practice.... by looking, touching and examining various types of human bodies, in the Bordello or the streets of Venexia or my own apartment,for purposes of serious work as well as personal interest. Of course, runningthe office is not a one person thing, so I think here is where my goodrelationship with many physicians in the city comes in handy. In addition tothat, as I mentioned earlier, it’s part of our vision of organic healthy lifestyle for the chosen in the long term.  Oneof the biggest problems in the city at the moment is the lack of malebloodstock as a breeding tool.  I believewe have a solution to that problem in the Bordello. We have some human servants already waiting in the wing. And we can get more too, maybe outside of Venexia,making use of our smuggling; I mean our logistic network, to bring them intothe city. There are many places where I know we can find some more healthy andstrong human men.  Their job will purely beto be to have sex with human females, day and night. The Bordello has beenworking on a few enhancement aids to help these human men to sustain an optimal reproduction rate, by using the uniqueskill of arousal that the Karnstein bloodline possess as well as other her balbased substances. The goal is to supply the city's human women with a plentiful source of male seed with which to impregnate them.   On top of that, we will offer handsome rewards to those women who carry the babies.” 

Thinking Lord Anton had culminated his plea to be the next lead Dottore, I set my quill and parchment down, until I noticed that he began to speak again with that familiar smirk on his face, “I could also offer those who vote for me a free visit of the Bordello and sex too. Is that allowed?"  Feeling a bit embarrassed at that remark, I blushed and responded, “I'll have to take that up with Lady Seabreeze."  At this point Domina interjected, “Bring her along, the more the merrier!”  Laughing Lord Anton concluded saying “, "I could always just tour a semi- naked Domina around the city and seduce people into voting for us. That could work!”   Ah yes, I thought to myself, of course he would conclude with a lewd suggestion. What else to expect from the most perverted!

On behalf of The Chronicles of Venexia
Special thanks to Pasha ,
The Beautiful Domina Liang  and Lord Anton
Please Do not forget about THE KARNSTEIN  Most Special Event
The Sultry Wonderland
April 20th
12:30pm  SLT
see you there ... grins

Sunday, April 15, 2012

AN INTERVIEW WITH THE KARNSTEIN (PART 1) – The History of the Karnstein and the Domina

The History of the Karnstein and the Domina
BY: Pasha Braveheart

It was in the middle of night when I was summoned to the Bordello to interview the Domina, Liang Scorpio, of the bordello and leader of the Karnstein Debosciati Rose coven.   I was very nervous walking into the bordello since the last time I was there it was as summoned for a feeding by Lord Anton.  Looking around, I wondered if anyone was about.  It was unusually quiet, attributable, of course, to the after hour time frame when the less than wholesome activities are ceased for the evening.    I stood around fidgeting a bit until I heard the front doors open and I immediately recognized Lord Anton.   A chill went through my body as I recalled the evening I spent with him here.  It was true that the Karnstein had a power over humans to awaken the lustful feelings in them.  Need I say more?  He walked with a purpose to his stride directly up to me and motioned for me to ascend the steps to the parlor where he told me that Domina awaited me.  I respectfully gave him a quick curtsy and followed him up the stairs.  There the Domina waited, tapping her foot
impatiently, although I don’t believe I was late. 

I greeted the notoriously beautiful Domina with acurtsy and a smile.  Lord Anton took a seat and motioned for me to sit as well, while Domina gracefully positioned herself on the chase lounge..  taking the time to fix her skirt and smiling in her regal way. 

No sooner had I taken my seat and taken out my parchment and quill, than Lord Anton made it a point to remind me of the “dresscode” for the bordello.  Domina nodded her agreement and I sighed deeply placing my quill and parchment on the sidetable and standing to remove my clothing feeling relieved that I had remembered to wear underwear that evening.  I don’t recall ever conducting an interview in such a state of informality and blushed with embarrassment as I placed my clothing in a pile and once again took myseat feeling the lecherous eyes of Lord Anton upon me.

Tapping my quill to the parchment, I smiled as I pondered the first question.  Nodding my head in self approval of my first question as I begin to ask Domina to explain how the Karnstein, under her leadership, had come to run the bordello.   Domina took a sip of wine as she reflected on her response, “The Bordello di Venus Destato was established by our elder... Countess Carmilla Karnstein, unlike most dull chosen... her pursuits were for sexual pleasure, thus running the bordello is in our blood.”

Cringes at the mention of ‘blood’ and what itconjures up in my mind, yet maintains my composure to capture Domina’sthoughts.   With a look of insight and knowledge,she continued “I rose in the ranks the same way any strong willed Karnsteinigets anywhere in life... hard work, and many favors. I must admit, I had a lotof help from my current 2nd, Anton.  Ahh...what a lovely perverted chap he is. Claudia.. The former Domina saw greatpotential in me... and later granted me the high position of Primus (2nd).  Yet, my current rank is a result of a travesty.One cold misty morning Claudia's headless body was discovered in the center ofthe piazza... head impaled on a metal spike nearby. A warning written on her barechest... to me.  Alas, I simply picked upwhere my fallen leader left off.”
I pressed on asking Domina about the lofty goal ofthe Debosciati Rose coven, that being the never ending quest for sexual pleasure.   I wanted to know how she and the coven members go about supporting such a goal.  Domina let out a soft chuckle as she answered “Simple.. through day by day pleasures and sexual encounters. I also enjoy the practice of shibori... the art of binding ones form. I also study great works of libertine artists.”  Of the covenmembers she added, “They simply act like perverts. Spreading the ideal thatthere is nothing better than the hunt for sexual pleasure. It's the main thingthat sets us apart from other sabats.”  Iasked about those who work at the bordello, wondering as to their backgroundand their decision to offer themselves for the purpose of sexual pleasure.  She stared at me with some intensity as Iwondered if she was trying to recruit me. Brushing that though aside, I stared back at her until she respondedgiving no opening for her to pursue such an option for me, “Our women and men who work at the bordello are all humans, some here by force while others have made the decision to be here oftheir own free will.  Most simply wish tobe paid for giving pleasure, while others have sought protection and sexualpleasure from the bordello.  Being of
open mind, I rarely turn down any human who wishes to serve the Karnsteini.”

I inquired of the Domina’s management style to which she replied “I tend to be slightly on the easy going side. I encourage my coven members to explore their sexuality through openness... hosting events and simply acting like naughty chosen -- in bed where it counts. I only become strict if need be... and so far it has paid off nicely.”
As I wrapped up my interview with the Domina I askedher if there was anything she’d like to convey to the citizens of Venexia aboutthe Bordello.  Nodding her head, she said, without hesitation, “That our doors are always open. They should look topatron our human workers. After all, both chosen and human need sexual pleasure, regardless of what some prudes may think.   If you are in need of a little... sexual pleasure, stop by the bordello. If a madam or sir is on duty, feel free to flirt... leave your in hibitions at the door! Humans are welcome here... just don't complain if you get lured into service. If you are prudish, this honestly isn't the place for you. Those chosen who beat up the human workers, without paying for such service will find themselves either on the wrong end of a leash or hung out in front of the Bathory's cafe for their amusement.  As a final remark,Domina concluded, “As for the Karnstein? We are pleasure seekers... we don't dwell on silly matters such as clothing... or titles.... although, the cityshould come here and find out for themselves!"

I asked the Domina if any special events were comingup sponsored by the Karnstein.  She went
on to talk about the soon to be promoted roof top event at the bordello, “SultryWonderland”, where playfully and scary images of lustful creatures will dancearound you.  She added, “There will be a queen off! A battle, where ladies face off to take the title of Red Queen and lead the event in a grand group dance.   Lots of drug use! Bring your favorite opium pipe.As always,second floor will host a drug induced orgy! And best of all, there will be a
costume contest! 
A thousand gold coins to the one with the best!
 Five hundred for the runner up!" 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Important Game play changes in Venexia.

Update  4/9/12
Three Changes thus Far
 So far added three of the Changes in Venexia from this morning note:
1)Automatic Leadership application
2)   Blood Vats in each Sabat Base
3) the Borghesia Rental Changes.
If you find any bugs in these Let Kora or me know.
Important Game play changes in Venexia.
Notice to all who enter Venexia
All  must read this!
Below are listed some changes we will make to the game in Venexia over the next few days
We know that they will most likely not be to everyones liking and that they may have flaws.
However, we are going to give them all a try as we have had positive feed back on most of them, and feel they will enhance play in the sim.
This is a very long note but it seemed better to send it all as one rather than send out many notes that may get lost.
Please circulate this note to any player who has not seen it.
Blood Bottles
Blood bottles will be removed from the sim.
Including those in the Pharmacy.
To give people a chance to adjust to the new system this will take place slowly over the next week or so.
We realize this is a rather radical move and no doubt many will disagree with it.
 But we feel that a Vampire sim that does not promote the core functions of the Vampire, hunting and preying on Humans, is not functioning correctly.
Of course there will still need to be a source of blood available to Vampires beyond that taken directly from Humans by biting (Remember that’s what Vampires do!) just in case all the humans up and leave us.
So, from now on the main source of none fresh blood for a Sabat will be its Blood Vat.
Read the next section for further details.
There will also be the possibility of discovering blood in various boxes found around the Sim, see the Treasure hunt section.
The Blood Vat
Each Sabat base has a blood supply held in a container.
The Blood Vat.
The blood in the Vat can be purchased only by Members of the Sabat that owns it.
The Vat is filled with blood from human captives, or Blood Gaunt slaves.
Vampires will be paid  For each 15 points of health/blood that is provided by the Human they bring to the Vat for draining..
Humans will receive a token amount For each 15 they provide.
Please note that this is not a donation of kindness by the human, it is a forced extraction.
If as a human you do not agree with this then please consider that the vampire could just as easily bite you and take the blood anyway.
There will be no blood in the vat unless it is filled by Vampires by hunting or providing the blood of their slave.
It is possible that Sabats should consider appointing certain members to fulfil this hunting function to keep their vat full. Depending on the attitude of the leader to none fresh blood.
All interaction around the filling of the Vat must be Rped out.
NO mechanical filling of the Vat please.
Please note that all values will most likely need adjusting as the game progresses.

Automatic leadership application.
It has been suggested that many people do not apply for leadership because it seems rather more difficult than it should. Especially having to contact that scary guy Baal.
So we will now make all applications automatic, as long as you can fulfil the following criteria
Two weeks of age
Have 4 other people prepared to join your Coven ( no alts please!)
Have a good coven profile ready to display on your Coven page on the web site.
Have at least 1 other active Leader to back your application.
Please note:
 We still ask that you get the support of at least one other existing leader.
We hope people understand that if you cannot get at least one other leader to support your leadership application then you are most likely not in a great position to make any constructive contribution to RP in the sim.
This automatic process will still not apply to Vordensian and the new Inquisitora groups.

The drug will enter the sim in a small way to begin with as a collectable and saleable item that enhances Physical health for humans and vampires.
It will be one of the Items that can be randomly found in the destructible crates (see bellow) which have been IC imported into Venexia.

Borghesia will no longer be automatically protected by Venexia Court.
They will now sign up for work each day as Court Blood.
Once they sign up for this job they will appear on the rental board which will be moved to the Green Dragon Inn.
When a Borghesia enters the sim they will not have the protection of the Court until they sign up for work.
A Vampire should always have checked the board before approaching a Borghesia to ascertain their rental status. In Fact the probability is that they will be rentable so the Vampires should always consider this.
If a Borghesia is not on the board then they fall under the same game rules as Paesani
Please note:
There is no OOC protection for Borghesia.
If there was it would give them an OOC advantage over the Vampires, and would be wholly unrealistic in RP.
What they do have however is the right to report the offending vampire to the new Inquisitora group who are bound by law to prosecute the offending Vampire.
The Vampire will then receive a heavy fine and possibly further punishment if they re offend.
So to re state the new rules:
Borghesia are Rped as upper class humans who have the same rights as the Paesani until such time as they place themselves upon the rental board by signing up for work as Court Blood
After this they have the Protection of the Court.
But the laws that protect them are like all RL laws, and do not protect against those who break the law.
But those who do break the law should now find punishment swift and painful.

The Vordensian group will now feed of vampire blood and will have a Blood Vat same as the other Covens.
The difference is that their Vat will be filled with vampire Blood.
This should provide a vampire predator in the sim, as opposed to just an adversary.
Of course this could become controversial if it gets out of hand, which is why this group will remain difficult to get into.

Blood Gaunts
A blood Gaunt is a Vampire blood slave.
Any coven that wishes to keep human slaves to serve them should turn them to Blood Gaunts.
This will prevent all the bother we have had of humans remaining human but using the Coven name to which they are attached as a form of hierarchical one-upmanship over other humans.
So if you want to hang out with the vampires but remain human then get them to mark you as their blood slave, or if you have a favourite human pet, then Blood Gaunt them.
Please Note: being a Blood Gaunt does not automatically protect you from attack by other vampires, you are still only a slave. But if you are owned by a coven then attacks by other covens will lead to Prosecutions, retaliations and conflicts.
In character information.
Important note:
I have received some IMs about this group along the lines of “I am not playing a dirty drug addict etc”
Please note that the addiction aspect is only emphasised to illustrate why the gaunt does not just run away and why the vampire gains control and would prefer doing this to a slave.
It does not imply that the Gaunt runs around in rags and looks like a heroin addict. You can still wear a pretty frock and be genteel as you like, but you will just be fed blood by your owner. If you do not like dealing with blood then don‘t hang with Vampires)
A blood Gaunt is created when a human drinks Fresh vampire blood.
Blood Gaunts IC are addicted to the Blood they are fed.
So the supplier of the drug become the total focus of attention and need, and also the one for which you will do anything in order to receive the next fix.
Important! Please do not except this role offer from a vampire unless you understand this servitude and dependency fully !
But also understand that you cannot become a casual vampire servant. There can be no half measures. Vampires can tolerate humans only if they possess them totally.
In Venexia to become a full Vampire a human must die and be reborn, they must be drained of blood and then revived, Enraptured, with the Powerful blood of a coven Leader.
However any vampire may create a blood gaunt from a human player.
The difference is that Blood Gaunts are not drained of blood.
They are fed vampire blood while still human by a vampire.
This vampire blood mixes with the human blood in the body and acts like an addictive drug, forcing the gaunt to crave more, and thus they become reliant upon their creator to provide this blood.
If they do not receive more blood within a day or so they get terrible stomach pains and the whole body contorts in agony, lots of scope for RP here.
Once vampire blood has entered the system the human can no longer stomach food without being violently sick,
Why don’t Blood Gaunts just hunt vampires for themselves ?
Because the Process weakens them. The average Human finds it hard to overcome a vampire, but for a Blood Gaunt it is almost impossible I.e. OOC, their stamina has a limiter on it.
Becoming a blood Gaunt is a prerequisite for Enrapture.
The time spent as a Blood Gaunt seems to prepare the human body for the great changes that occur during Enrapture.

OOC Method.
There is a skull goblet on the alter in the Sanctum Sanctorum at the centre of the Isola dei Morti
A Vampire should take their prospective Blood Gaunt there and RP filling this Goblet with their own blood. OOC the vampire will click upon the goblet and be given a menu from which they can choose who within range they wish to Change from human to Gaunt.
The Gaunt will now need to be fed by the Vampire who turned them.
There is a bottle of special blood reserved for Blood Gaunts in each Sabat base.
The Vampire owner can click upon this and buy Blood which will enter their Inventory and can be given to the Blood Gaunt to feed them.
There is one other way for a blood Gaunt to feed. This special blood is one of the items that might possibly be found in import Crates scattered around the sim.
If you do not feed your gaunt they will eventually return to human, unless another Vampire feeds them.

Becoming human again.
It is possible for a Gaunt to return to being human. To do this they must stop taking vampire blood and retire to a sick bed for a long period of time until they are over the stomach pains and the muscle contortions. Think drug addict, cold turkey.
Your vampire master or mistress may in fact impose this state upon you by no longer providing blood to you.
You can quicken this process or reversion by the use of an imported root.
It is said that the plant Mandrake can relieve some of the pains by becoming a mild substitute for the Vampire blood and bringing the body back to normal more gently.
OOC Method
The human will need to search the crates of imports around the Docks in the chance that Mandrake which is imported by the court for its supposed aphrodisiac properties, has been imported. Or if another player has found some and wishes to sell it they may buy it from them
Once this drug is found it should be taken to the small Chapel on the Docks where you will find a container on the Alter which you may click upon and from the displayed menu choose human.

Venexia Treasure hunt.
We will place around the sim crates that represent imported substances.
Gaunt Food.
These will require the Hammer item as used in other sims to acquire.
The items will enter your Inventory if you find them and may be sold or given to other players
We will set up an auction for the selling of found items near the Docks.

The Inquisitori 
The Inquisitori  are a kind of Vampire inquisition that work for the Court of Venexia
This is a 100% role play role! If the lengthy process of investigation and the verbose process of Prosecution in Court do not attract you then this is not for you.
After a period of lawlessness in the city the Court have decided to form a select group of Inquisitors who would handle all matters of law.
They deal with the law, the whole law, and Nothing but the law.
There are two levels in the Inquisitori
Investigators, as the name suggests, are those who investigate crimes. They are subordinate the Judges, and will take their orders from them.
Judges are like Coven Leaders but will not act separately from other Judges
They will deal with the organisation of the Court cases and can also investigate and Prosecute.
They will be able to except or reject crimes from the crime board.
All Inquisitori Will sign up as Prosecuters, which is their job.
OOC: Inquisitori cannot have alts in other Covens.
Only Vampires of good breeding who have lived as Chosen within the city may become Inquisitori
The Inquisitori will be placed under extremely strict codes of practice.
They are first and foremost servants of the Chosen of Venexia, and they will always act accordingly.
In all their investigations they will remain calm and calculating in their manner.
Any signs of arrogance or displays of superiority towards Coven leaders or their members will not be tolerated.
Woe betide them should they break their code, but woe betide those who treat them with disrespect and those who would think to hinder them in their duty.
Inquisitori are not police.
They do not hang around in the city looking for crime, they act upon Crime reported.
In all cases of Vampire investigations very strong evidence must be gathered before arrest and prosecution takes place.
All vampires may elect a Lawyer to defend their case.
Coven Leaders
If Coven leaders are accused of crimes then the Inquisitor must be extremely careful in the way in which they proceed, should they get it wrong, they will themselves come under suspicion.
Cases Involving Coven leaders should be investigated with extreme caution. No tirture may be used upon coven leaders until they are found guilty of their crimes.
Coven Members
When Prosecuting a Coven member the Inquisitor must first contact the Coven leader and inform them that they are about to investigate or prosecute a member of their Coven. If the coven leader avoids this contact in any way then the Inquisitor may proceed without this contact.
Blood Gunts
Gaunts may be arrested but not mishandled in any way until owners, should they be owned, have been contacted and informed of the details of the arrest.
Humans may be arrested first and investigations may take place after.
A human may ask for another human to speak for them in court.
Inquisitori May Gaunt any human they find guilty of their crimes.

Inquisitora may question those selected for jury service if they suspect that they will bias the case in any way, either for or against the defendant.
In this they must be aware of the protestations of other jury members. And the Lawyer of the defendant should they have one.
If after questioning of the Jury member partiality can be shown to exist, then that Jury member can be asked to leave. Should they refuse to do so they will themselves be prosecuted.
Inquisitors do not enter into ANY form of combat.
Neither shall they cause by word or deed beyond the letter of the law aggression towards themselves or another.
If they are attacked, the attacker will be instantly captured and taken for torture and trial.
To attack them is to break the law and therefore to come under their control.
They deal exclusively with the process of law and the extraction of confessions for crimes committed.
OOC NOTE: Inquisitori do not enter into RP that involves bribery and favouritism of any kind.
Any signs of this will result in the removal of the Inquisitor involved.
In Fact they do not enter into any RP that does not involve the law.
Their RP exists in the Prison which they run, where they live as kind of Monks and Nuns dedicated to the execution of the law and the arts of Torture and punishment of convicted criminals
Although Inquisitori do not fight they can control of demon servitors, which they use  to hunt down CONFIRMED criminals.
Notice the emphasis on CONFIRMED!
Servitors will never be used against suspects, unless after strong evidence has been collected and presented to the suspect they attempt to avoid arrest.
Any misuse of this ability in any way will result in the removal of the Inquisitori involved.
All Investigators will need a warrant from a Judge before using a servitor.
If they proceed without this warrant, and their suspect complains, then the arrest may become void.
Inquisitori will investigate  ALL reported crimes.
All Chosen of venexia have a right to complain if the Inquisitori fail to investigate any reported crime.
Should a crime be reported and found to be lacking in evidence for prosecution then the accuser must be informed as to the reasons.
In the court room they are the prosecutors on behalf of the Court

The Inquisitora usualy dress in none descript black, usually cloaks  with Masks that cover the face in some way. They do not wear fancy outfits.
They are not intensely active, but quietly confident watchers of the City. 
They have the full support of the court in all matters of  law and the breaking thereof .
They have no power or superiority at all over coven leaders or their members until they break the laws of the City. At which point they become the focus of attention for these almost alien seeming beings. They are renowned for their skill in the extraction of confessions, and the use of torture both mental and physical to achieve their goals.
If you wish to avoid them then do not break the laws.
Please remember that the idea is not to eradicate crime, or you will no longer have a job J

Monday, April 2, 2012

I Give YOU YOUR King and Queen of Fools with a Recap OF Bathory Court of Fools Ball .

A Most Special Thank YOU to  King CrazyPhuk
and Queen Coria Nerido
For Being such Grand Sports
and Having So much fun with us all ...
You Both were Amazing and Most Fun !!!
I am reminded Daily of the Gift of Humility .
What does that mean ?
Always be able to Laugh at ones self First .
For then the Laughter or Judgement of Others
Can not , Shall not, Hurt so Deep .
Perhaps that is the Both The Lesson and Wisdom this Day of .. Shall we Call It
Reckoning, Awareness ah Better  Yet ,Yes Light Hearted Fun for All.
The Idea Intended is Really Simple
Always be able to Laugh first at Ones self !
As some go stomping through this world .
A Sense of Humor really Helps Folks ..
In fact, a "True One" ie Sense of Humor  is a Gift !!
"Lighten Up" and enjoy .. is sound Advice from "The Fools"
Oh and by the way something "the said fools" taught moi
a long time ago/ "Please don't misinterpret my Kindness for Weakness"
This is all nothing  new ..... Been  Going on for Centuries .
"Who Is Not a Fool?" ["Qui non stultus?"]
—Horace (65-8 B.C.), Satires, 2.3.158
Then come jesters, musicians and trained dwarfs,
And singing girls from the land of Ti-ti,
To delight the ear and eye
And bring mirth to the mind.
—Sima Xiangru (ca. 179-117 B.C.), Rhapsody on the Shanglin Park
                I arrived in My Own Air Balloon early to help The Contessa                                Prepare for this festive Event,
with an Open Mind , As I for one do respect even The Fools ..
For they have done so much right through the Centuries ..
For and By those that treat them Right ..
Perhaps this Makes I, Lady Seabreeze the biggest fool of all ..
Perhaps Not . grins ..
Ah the beauty of This City on the Water . These are  Not just words .Alas but a most strong heartfelt message .. There I go, {Perhaps} being the ever silly foolish dye hard romantic yet again .For no matter how many centuries any world... It is always the Bricks and Stones that continue to impress , I know I can not be alone in those thoughts.{Besides can one Blame a Die Hard Romantic Vampire for Seizing the Moment for a Fun Personal and Private Air Balloon Ride over One of the Most Spectacular Cities on The Grid grins and nods to thyself } 
Monti and I went Right to work .. The Contessa was busy with  Her own Practice of Fireworks
and many Personal Invites .. (( she even remembered  Jesus .. "chuckles" note for memory ))
I was most Pleased to see " Olly The Elephant" had Arrived early , making friends
early with the cafe Rats First . Before welcoming Our Real Guests .. I guessed .
OH the Fireworks .. Indeed the Contessa Britt was Busy
with her Lights from the Sky .
The Booms and Color from the Sky over the City and water ..
Simply Splendid for all to See .. Well Done Contessa !!
Most thoughtful too.
To Her Own Credit The Contessa Britt was  Spinning to welcome each of Her
Guests Human and Chosen A like .. 
Many Came Early. In No Time the Lights, The Costumes and Festive
Brave, Light Hearted Characters alike Filled The Piazza .
I do hope you enjoy the  Video of Music and Captures from this fun event.
For Now I shall let them do their Magic and I do hope give a smile or two ..


In closing From each and everyone of "We" a most special thank You to Kora and Baal for the creation of this Amazing World we each can escape to ..
Of Course Thank You to  all  that Came ..
Special Kudos to The Contessa  Britt of Bathory for her Idea to have this Event 
On a Personal Note . As I can do that here .. As folks Role Play Please remember to Look to the Right and Look to your Left and behind you .. For this is a most special Place ..
      Solid Strong Great Role Play is not solely about YOU... or the said One, two or three  ..          
It is ALL about how many can be touched , involved and make a memory ..
With Respect, Humility and a bit of Humor
Ever  Breezy