Friday, January 25, 2013

a most special new acquaintance .

 Every Night comes alive In the Spectacular City of Venexia.
 There are stories building and wondrous tales yet to  unfold..
Vis Contessa Seabreeze of Bathory
 keeps a low profile in the city she  adores, the City Of Venexia .
In this most special city on the water that never sleeps .
Her nights are still full of surprises as she quietly keeps to herself .
Not many she trusts these days, for not many she truly knows.
In The Garden of Magic, Alone she quietly continues 
her fireball mastered training, perhaps the third eye .. The wind is her friend .
Things happen in and come from the breezes from the Sea .. Dark, Mysterious and quite Special things . 
Its rather hard to put into mere words for it is a most powerful  inner feeling. 
These feelings are not for mere mortals for they are deep and expand  in the mind of a chosen .
It is not frequent that a powerful mind of a chosen can be taken on a journey !
The likes that can stop us , make time stand still,captivate our attention.
 Tempt us, perhaps warn, or truly embrace our mind , teaching and exposing with wisdom .
 Tonight she meets quite a strange and unique phenomena .. of nature .
At first glance it seems like a mere swarm of Bats .. Alas nothing mere about these beings ,as
there is nothing normal about this encounter at all .
For it sparks her mind and senses tenfold, soothes her  yet Fascinates and excites her own curious depth.
It is the likes and feeling of nothing she has even seen or known before . 
At first she is approached then surrounded by the bats .. 
Then there is almost a surreal quiet as the creatures of the night 
first observe one another's existence. 
 For some reason, she does not feel frightened or annoyed nor wishes to shun the bats but rather, 
she observes in silence. She almost feels hypnotized by them as they too observe her.
But they are more then observing her, They seem to be about to communicate with her, Not with words.
Her mind is filled with a story, one she can not share at this point, for it is not her story to share, it is theirs.
Some how they even made her smile . laughter is something Chosen do not share with all . 
But, some how these bats were extraordinary refreshing ! 
 The story moved Breezy its was powerful, tragic and most unique  . 
Yet these Bats were not cold, they were full of knowledge, power and strength of .... 
dare she write, quite an impressive being. This all was something very different and new to her . 
How extraordinary she thought to herself .
Their knowledge over centuries was shared, they seemed to understand the City and were quite aware!
Soon it was almost day break, the bats mentally 
advised Breezy the night had come to a close and it was time for her 
to gingerly  return to her home .
Breezy nodded .. and spoke for the first time all night whispering
 Thank You ..
The Bats .. flew around her and surrounded  her .
She felt a warm sense for she knew with out a doubt
 she had just made a most special new acquaintance . 

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