Friday, January 20, 2012

Contest 'Il Morso Fatale' ~ Voting is On ~ Its all up to YOU !!!

Ladies and Gentlemen The Voting for The First Bite Contest is on
Below we are listing the 12 entries
They are all Beautiful !!!
Each work will be published in this newspaper and a number will be allotted to each of them.
 Feel free to have a look and leave a comment. So, you can influence the votes.
Voting is going on Now till January 25 , you will be able to vote for your three favorite paintings, using the note card 'Vote Card' you can get from Gioia Selaggia
To be valid, the Note needs to be correctly and completely supplemented.
 Then you just need to send back the vote card
 to Gioia Selvaggia (Oneida.Oompa)
 before the 25th.
Points will be allotted according to your choices.
♥ --> 3 points
@ --> 2 points
& --> 1 point
The winner will be the painting which obtain a maximum of points
It is up to you !
be aware if each painting respects the rules of the contest.
Especially the rule 2 (The 'scene' of the painting must be held in Venexia)
and the rule 3 (The scene must represent a vampire biting a human ).
Entry 1
 Entry 2
 Entry 3
 Entry 4
 Entry 5
 Entry 6
 Entry 7
 Entry 8
 Entry 9
 Entry 10
 Entry 11
Entry 12
Entry 12

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