SERATA di MUSICA, Evening of Music - The Music Will Never Die
By: Pasha Braveheart
In the absence of the Leader of the Musica delSangue, now known as the Serata diMusica
coven of the Lestat sabat, a matter that we will discuss in the courseof the following interview,
I sat down with Fia Diabolito di Lestat, theImpresario Del Musica,
to gain some insight into the coven of the enormouslytalented musicians of Venexia.
When I asked Lady Fia to speak to the specifictalents of the coven she responded “Many of our members do not just specializein one instrument. I myself can play several. We have flutists, harpists, violinists, pianists...... at any one timeI can group my brothers and sisters and have a delightful ensemble of unendingharmony! Our talent is that we're flexible. We can mold ourselves to the needs of the entertainment situation!” This was evidenced recently as I, myself,witnessed Lady Nena leading her musicians in playing beautifully hauntingmelodies
in a performance for Lady Elysa’s turning ceremony.
Lady Fia too recalled that performance,
“That was a delight for us for sure, to be involvedin such a special event.
It makes allthe hours of practice well worth it, being part of such amazing things,
addingto them with our music.”
Lady Fia went on to talk of other significant events,”Our most recent planned event was playing on the Bathory Caffe rooftop, justa lovely recital for those who wished to come listen and dance to do so. Wehave played for the bathhouse opening not too long ago, the Bordello open housea little further back as well. We've had many impromptu gatherings beside that,playing here, there,
and everywhere! As to plans, there are some in thebeginning stages.
The absence of our Diva has sort of put a damper on plans,you see.”
As Lady Fia brought up the absence of their Diva,Lady Nena, I took the opportunity to press a bit on that issue. I asked of her whereabouts and welfare sincemany have missed her presence in our community and wondered about when shewould return. Lady Fia’s face was awashwith pain as she explained, “We are All very concerned. She left on some travels, and she was leavingcorrespondence at fairly regular intervals… then I started to not receiveletters from her. I sent out messengers,spires.. I have been trying very hard to find her. I’m afraid; the answer to your inquiry isthat you know about as much as I do as to her state”. Lady Fia was obviously disturbed andexperiencing anxiety over her Diva’s mysterious absence so I put down my quilland sat silently for a moment until the lady was able to gain her composureonce again. I expressed my regret and myhopes that no ill fortune
had befallen her and although awkward, I continued on with the interview.
I asked about collaborations and activities that thecoven may be engaged in. Lady Fia spokeof a few saying “We have collaborated with other Sabats to entertain, ofcourse. We also enjoy sparring in the arena, since our Producture, Enigma,likes to keep us all in top fighting form
if we were to have..... any point. Other than that,
we like to socialize within the city and enjoyall this lovely place has to offer!"

I discussed with Lady Fia that Musica delSangue is known as one of the most sophisticatedand cultured covens whose members are well known to conduct themselves in themost civilized way in the treatment of other covens and sabats as well as inthe treatment of the Venexia humans. Iasked if she could provide insight into this highly regarded standard theyobviously live by. Lady Fia appeared to think deeply on thisquestion, then responded, “I believe....the focus and dedication we have to our art centers us, grounds us. With thatfocus, it's hard to give in to the more.... PRIMAL...... of our urges, hencekeeping that side of what a Chosen could become at bay. Then, when we perform,EVERYONE comes, so we see our audience as they are, everyone coming together toenjoy a single thing. I think that's what keeps us treating the living as theyshould be, respected for who they are because we were living in that sensebefore too. It keeps us remembering who we were, which colors who we AREnow." I couldn’t help lamenting tomyself at this point… thinking…
if only all sabats were like the Lestat.
I then approached a very delicate question with somecaution but forged ahead to ask anyway. I asked about their approach to ‘the bite’ wondering if they, as a coven,subscribe to a specific method or technique. I saw a change in Lady Fia’s demeanor with this question which made me abit nervous as her voice took on a huskier tone while she replied, “Seduction,my dear. I don't know if you've ever been bitten by a Musica, but it's asensuous experience. Blood is so much more delicious when the donor gives itfreely, passionately.......” In fact, Ihave never been bitten by a Musica but upon hearing Lady Fia’s response and howshe delivered it, my mind wandered a bit getting lost for a moment in imaginingwhat it would be like. Perhaps I’ll knowsomeday. For now I simply wiped thesweat beads forming on my forehead, and directed my gaze to Lady Fia onceagain, noticing the gleam of her fangs and instinctively touching my neck in anawkward way. With a nervous smile, myvoice cracking, I carried on with the interview.

My next question concerned the close relationshipenjoyed with the House of Bathory. Iasked about the background on that alliance. Lady Fia smiled as she offered, “ Ah, the Bathory. We adore them, and I'm of sound mind they adore us in return. As scions of culture and refinement,it's only natural we end up working closely. The Contessa is a most gracious,lovely woman and we have been quite fortunate that even in early stages her family and ours decided to work closely for the betterment of society in thecity. Our family is very respectful to hers, and they are just as lovely to usin turn. There was an..... issue...... not long ago where we almost thought we had been betrayed,
but a conversation with the Contessa cleared that right up."
I asked her to explain how one would go aboutperforming at the Teatro if you are human or not of the Lestat sabat, she simplyreplied “Well, I think just asking permission of one of the coven leaders iswell enough. I myself have neverrestricted anyone from performing there, so if problems have been had I don'tthink it was my family that has pulled the reins on it. I welcome new talent to play there. It’s a lovely forum to be heard. It's also agood way to find more members of the family.....
if they're so inclined to joinus!”
I then gave Lady Fia the option to say somethingdirectly to the citizens of Venexia. Shewas happy to take that opportunity by saying, “Our family may be "simplemusicians" but our music has added to and enriched the lives and times ofthe denizens of this fair city. We are young, strong, beautiful, and a force tobe reckoned with should you have wishes of crossing us. The music will neverdie, never."
Update: Much has happened since my interview withLady Fia. On a sad note, all hope is lost that Diva Nena will return. It was with great anguish that Lady Fia advised me of this. However,
the grief of this loss has given way to a spirit of celebration since Lady Fia
is now the Diva of the coven which is here-to-for known as the Serata di Musica, Evening of Music.
The Chronicles congratulates Lady Fia on her ascensionto this prestigious post as I’m sure the rest of Venexia’s citizens do aswell. At her celebration, where I wasgraciously invited to play my harp, Lady Fia provided a statement to be sharedwith her fellow Venexians “As the Court decreed that a coven should beconsidered dissolved when a leader leaves, I sought to keep my family togetherand give them a new home. This is howSerata di Musica was born, my quest to still have my family whole after theturmoil of losing Nena to the wind. I'mglad to have a new home, and to be able to provide my dear brothers and sistersa home in turn."