Monday, July 9, 2012

Amber's Story .. or is it ????

I shall begin with pardon my delay with my entrees alas
 with the heat and this time of year..  
Where does the time go ?? 
Please click video for Music and enjoy the story ..... 
please note it really is all Ambers' wonderful Story .
Amber's Story 
It had come to my attention from let's just say
 multiply  anonymous sources 
That a rather brutal attack had taken place,
 A rather gruesome one at that,to an elderly human gentleman.
This said human was thought to be Amber's father ... 
Now being A good standing citizen in Venexia ,
 er well always looking for a good story,
Never mind a true Bathory  let's just say 
 I was extreamly sparked with interest. 
So I took a stroll to The Daemonicans Home.
Perhaps one of the stunning builds in the city, but also one of the 
more haunting and quite dramatic in itself .
Ah The  Basillica One could not help but feel a bit humbled to walk in and note Her Beauty.
The Daemonicans Protected her as it is their home . 
I had messaged Amber and she met me outside , The Beautiful High Priestess
was there as well, alas she was quite busy this evening with her own business . 
Amber walked me inside,I noticed  The Monk guarding 
the Blood Vat ..How Most  interesting I thought .
Amber rushed to introduce us and mentioned The Monk was mute . 
I did not ask questions as I did not wish to seem like a busy body .
There was a story .I was there for .. 
  Dear Amber would share with me 
what she wished to tell .
Amber motioned for me to have a seat .. She took out a most special wine
and Had the Monk serve us each a glass .. This Monk ..
read on ..  much more of him to come ..  
****and now a Moment from a Local Sponsor .. The Lovely tasting  Blood wine 
that Amber and Breezy shared,
 was a fresh Bottle made by Lestat's very own Lorynn
 "The Lestat of Palermo make it, they have a theater, where two lovers make love ...
publicly, at the height of their climax, they are bled some and the blood mixed...
quite a popular teatro, and the best lovers are well-paid"*****
I listened to every chilling word .. Alas I could not help but notice
the exceptional close bond between The *Muted* Monk ..and
Amber ..most particular in closeness, The way he comforted her .
The way she looked up to him .. hmmm .. She seemed so most sad .
Yes there was much more to this story ..
But Lets get on with this dark dark tale shall we ? 
Amberlyssa Marie Bauerhoff  takes a slow sip of her wine, 
as she begins to share her story with breezy
 "Well, i was meditating on that small island between 
the Gardfens and the Isle of the Dead...
you know the one, with the lantern and the bench?"
 Breezy Carver Fabre smiled,  I do, one of my favorites as well
 Amberlyssa Marie Bauerhoff  smiles sadly, "I enjoy to go there often. 
As it was, Lord Inquisitor Cael came on a gondola,
 looking for me, he was quite upset, said there was a man at the Ufficio Dottore...
who was lying in a pool of blood"
 Amberlyssa Marie Bauerhoff looks over at Goffredo,
and pulling out a small knife, motions him over
Fratello Goffredo del Padua  takes an empty glass and gives it to the Heirophant
 Breezy Carver Fabre quietly  watches
 Amberlyssa Marie Bauerhoff  makes in incision in her forearm, 
and allows some of her vitae to pour into the glass, then licking
 the wound closed, hands him back the glass
Fratello Goffredo del Padua  slowly drinks for the glass, while he listens to the Heirophant's story
Amberlyssa Marie Bauerhoff gives the Viscontessa an embarrassed smile, "Excuse me, he's a gaunt, and you know how gauns need to be cared for, it's his feeding time" she takes another sip of her own bloodwine, and continues, "As it was, when i arrived, the office was a mess...and there was this man lying upon the floor...he must have been bitten at least twenty times...yet the attacker never fed from him...there was blood all over the floor...'
 Breezy Carver Fabre  My Word ! 2o times ?was he still
Amberlyssa Marie Bauerhoff nods, "At least! he was bitten sevral times viciously
 on the neck, and all over his body....what is odd is, 
the attacker clearly did not feed from him..."
Breezy Carver Fabre  breathing ?
 Amberlyssa Marie Bauerhoff nods, "Yes, when I knelt to check him, he was still breathing, barely...blessedly Diva nena and Lord anotnio and Lady tessa showed up to help
 and I was able to staunch the bleeding, and stitch his neck...but...."
Breezy  listens intently as she makes quiet  side notes on side of her note book
 to stitches on the monk's neck ... 
close bond between the two ..
also 5 stars to extreamly tasty Blood wine from Lestats 
I looked at The Monk a Bit closer ... Fratello Goffredo del Padua
Amber .. stuttered a few times calling him ..p...
did she mean. padra .. pappa ..
hummm  just sharing some thoughts here .. 
Yes those are stitches .. Fresh ones on his own throat .
I dared not ask Amber just yet about them ..
But as you can see This story is far from over ... 
Breezy Carver Fabre  what a brutal attack ,no feed just manic bites ??
 Amberlyssa Marie Bauerhoff  nods, "yes, but was heart-rending 
was to see it was my papa..." her voice trails as she looks down,
 wiping a tear of vitae from her eyes, she chokes back a sob, looking up...
"If not for Cael and Nena and the others...I ...
I would have lost it, but they gave me strength to do my gruesome task at hand..."
Fratello Goffredo del Padua  looks down compassionately at the Heirophant, and reaching out with calloused, scarred, strog hands, squeezes her shoulder reassuringly
Note :::: to back track photos of the trying to heal her Papa .. 
With  Lord Antonio, tessa, and Cael just outside the door 
The Ladies went to work to try their best to heal Amber's Papa .
 Poor Amber was beside herself with tears .. 
The Diva Nena did her to best to both comfort and Heal . 
They worked together for what seemed hours ..  to keep the man 
Alive ..   They took the Man to safe Keep at The Luna Hotel Bagliano.
How ever .. sad to say .. Amber received message from the Valet at said Hotel .
at about 3:30 am.  She rushed over .. and was too late . for he passed .
 Breezy Carver Fabre looks .. tilts head .. is most touched at 
the Monks loyalty and gentle comforting.
Breezy Carver Fabre Amber, what a tragic story .. just heart breaking .
 did you bury the body and have a human service ?
 Amberlyssa Marie Bauerhoff nods, "well, I had no desire for the attacker 
to show up at his funeral...' at this she lowers her voice, "
And i think I know who did it..." she speaks more normally, 
"So I had his body taken to one of Venexia's tribituary cities,
 Padua, we Daemonicans have a monastery there, 
Monastero di Minerva, and I happen to have a private chapel there,
 Cappela di Venus, so I had a private service there for him, 
a cremation, and I buried his ashes in a grave I had dug there with my own bare hands"
 Fratello Goffredo del Padua  slightly tilts his head when he hears 
the heirophant say she thinks she knows the murderer
Breezy Carver Fabre  Really ?? with .. your bare hands .. 
 .. leans in .. you think you know who did the attack ??
Amberlyssa Marie Bauerhoff nods, "Well, this woman had come a few days
 before his death,here to the Basillica seeking information about him,
 and had spoke with High Priestess Kylie, and Abbot Tree, 
they wanted to know about my father, where he was staying,
 and so forth...she claimed to be from the same country as he
...also, another person, whom i shall not name,
 to protect her privacy, also came to me with similar information...
they all described this tall woman from Germany, 
recently arrived in Venexia, with long blond hair, a Bathory..."
 Breezy Carver Fabre  perks up as I always do make an extream effort
 keep my own .. house separate in my reporting .. 
but this  was different ..  I Gasped .. Elsie ?
 Amberlyssa Marie Bauerhoff  looks at her oddly, "I never said her name,
 but yes, a woman named Elise von Wuerttemberg,
 which is interesting, as papa had an enemy in germany...see, 
papa had served the Drakul Duke Frederick of Bayern, 
who was at war with Prince Ferdinand Bathory of Wuerttemberg;
 the Prince won the war, beheaded the duke, and put papa's entire family to death,
 his eldest and younger daughter, and his son,
 as well as his wife...they were his legal family, 
"i was born out of wedlock to a gypsy woman here in Venexia...'
 Fratello Goffredo del Padua suddenly reels in shock when he hears 
his attacker was an elise, and the description, his face visibly pales, 
he grips the back of the divan for support, his mouth opens and closes but he makes no sounds
Amberlyssa Marie Bauerhoff  looks up at Goffredo in confusion,
 "Are you ok p..Fratello?"
 Breezy Carver Fabre makes notes to self at this point .. 
my stars this is fancinating and there is so so much more here .. 
gestures to Amber .. please go on .. .. 
looks at the Monk .. makes note of his own reaction .to self .. says out loud .. . is he alright ..
Fratello Goffredo del Padua  looks at Amber, he mouths the word, "Elise?!" 
but of course makes no sound, he looks as if he had seen a ghost, 
and trembles, suddenly he gestures he has to leave
 Breezy Carver Fabre  observes the unusual behaviors of
the Monk and Amber .. makes more side notes .. ....
 Amberlyssa Marie Bauerhoff looks at him quizzically,
 pats his hand, "of course, of course, we will talk later, p...Fratello"
 Fratello Goffredo del Padua  hastily bows to both women and leaves the room
Amberlyssa Marie Bauerhoff  softly chews her lower lip, her brows furrowed, 
as she watches the monk leave, "Now, that was odd..."
Breezy Carver Fabre.. Oh my .. perhaps you should follow him ?
 Amberlyssa Marie Bauerhoff slightly shrugs, "I shall see what is bothering him later, you know humans" she smiles embarrassingly at the monk's behaviour, "Anyways, where was I...oh yes...see, i had determined the bite marks to be a woman's, and we had found long blonde hairs on papa's well, several woman's boot prints in the puddle of drying between the information I received from the High priestess, the Abbot, the anonymous informant...'
 at this she smiles slyly, "I have my sores as the Heirphant,
 you know...I am cetrtain it was this elise von wuerttemberg that attacked him, 
probably an assassin sent by Prince Ferdinand"
 Breezy Carver Fabre  Oh My this is a huge .. ummm accustion .. have you told anyone ?
Are you sure he will be alright amber ?
Amberlyssa Marie Bauerhoff shakes her head..."He should be ok..." 
she purses her lips in deep thought
Breezy Carver Fabre  Once again makes note of Amber's behavior .. 
decides it is time and best to give  reason .. to excuse herself ..
 "oh look at the time" .. i really must be on my way here .. 
The Ladies said their thank yous and  fair-wells .
Later that night, Breezy took a seat by the fire, as she reread her own notes .. 
Breezy took some time to digest the 
chilling story from Amber .. 
This is a most special saga and it shall continue .. 
Special thanks to Amber and Her Monk .. 
and The Sponsor too,  
The Blood Wine created only by by The Best of Chosen 
for The Elite of Chosen . 

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