I rushed through city
streets this evening .. I so had waited for this story to share with all
I had no time for
useless mind games or power plays . For I was on a mission .
As I got closer I
paused for there he was in The Moon Light .. chills as I saw him standing
there .
Lord Inquisitor Threysian .. He nodded to me and said .. " Greetings ,are you ready Viscontessa?"
I said yes .. I shall
stay in the back round but keep up .. He said"what ever works for you" .
This was a man with a plan, It is important to the
city this story gets told .
The Lord Inquisitor was
a no nonsense soldier .. He knew his mission and he had every
intention of completing
it to task, no matter what .
In no time We found ourselves at the Great Door .. Inquisitor Threysian knocked .
A chatty creature was on the other side , We did smile as we just heard her voice going on and on .
I made a point to say nothing and keep in the background , as this was not a Bathory Venue,
This was Pure Inquisitor Threysian Mission to Capture and Jail his Prisoner .
I questioned to myself ,how The Inquisitor would deal with this all ..
But really I was in for a lesson indeed . It started with this snarly Alexandria DeDeamon
who was laced with snide remarks, easy to ignore really .. smiles . As I said from the start
I had no time for useless mind games or power plays.....nor children's hour..
Regardless of her snide and ridiculous comments, one could not help but notice her loyalty to her niece.
A Second Knock was made on The Great Door to the Theater .. Alexandria finally opened it .
Threysian Karalis noded to the Alexandria creature.....
"I am unfortunately, here on a
different matter." he lowers his gaze to Roisin...."Roisin Fitzgerald, I have
been instructed by the courts of the fine city of Venexia, to escort you to the
Jail, where you are to be processed, arrested, and held for trial.....
for crimes
against the Chosen of this City. Will you come peacefully?"
I observed ,there she sat peacefully, Was this the villain, The law breaker
Threy claimed ? .. It was not my place to judge nor even ponder .. I was an objective
Journalist there for a story .. A great story I might add .
Threy walked over to Roisin .. waiting just a moment for her reply .
Roisin cleared her throat and nodded she said she would go peacefully .
She asked about bringing some personal belongings and as Threy lowered his hood,
He stated I am afraid not Roisin , We really need to be going now, for we have much to do still.
Threysian Karalis "It is my intention to do
this as quietly as possible, so that you will not become a public spectacle. I
have lowered my hood, to appear casual, and so our walk to the Prison will be
casual as well. If I can have your promise, that you indeed will cooperate with
me on this....
.I see no need to collar and leash you."
It was decided that now Prisoner Roisin would wear a cloak herself for the trip
to hide her own identity during their journey through the city to the jail .
Roisin went to her trunk and pulled out just the thing, A beautiful and quite fitting Velvet cloak .
They being quite understanding for the moment ((yet again)) nodded in approval ..
Are we ready then ? For our Time is marching by .
There was chatter of lawyers and when the trial would be between the two women and the such .
But I had made a new friend .. and wanted to give it some cheese and send it
on his way .. there you go swooshy .. off with you now .. smiles oh ! Now where was I ..
Oh yes .. In no time we were off on our Journey through the city to the Jail .
GASP .. There she was ..
Just as fast as the arrest began So did the Journey to The Jail !
They moved swiftly through the entire City .
no one noticed , there were no conflicts .
Somehow the city wrapped her arms around them, and guided through .
All door and city streets open to them both .
In No time they arrived to the Jail !
She ((the now prisoner)) pondered ..
How did it all come to this for her ..
The accused criminal registered for her crime !
Welcome to your new Home...
The door closed Tight !!
Alone she was now in her Cell .. All Alone ..
Mission Accomplished .. Who will be Next ????
Trial Date Tuesday @ 5pm SLT
to be cont .......
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