The Trial of
Roisin Fitzgerald.
For those that question just who am I ..
I Viscontessa Seabreeze of Bathory ,Casa Del Delore
I am also Editor of The Chronicles of Venexia .
It is my delightful pleasure to report On The Events that do Effect us all
Here in the City we Love .. That Being Venexia .
This is a follow up article to the capture of Roisin Fitzgerald.
It had been a busy night thus far .. I dashed to the court room .. For the city was alive
and quite busy with over 40 members all in the court. Each Coven was represented .
Indeed , I typed each, there were humans and chosen scattered every where .
It was very exciting yet, quite serious . What would the verdict be ?
Who would testify ? who would be on the jury ?
All these questions and more soon would answered .
Soon Anita was herding all , I mean silencing all and calling order to the court .
Anita, a Modest with Conviction and a bit of signature style all her own
was head prosecutor and she had every intention of getting both her verdict
and moving this show along .. So with out further a dew .. Let's move on shall we .
The accused, Roisin Fitzgerald. was lead in ..
One could not help by hear all The ohhh and ahhh as they were murmured by all,
at the welts and marks on her back ..
She walked slowly by .Oh My .. I Pondered ,if she had miss behaved further ..
Well it was called Prison for a reason .
Roisin Fitzgerald sat in her respective seat .
Still beautiful even with some blood and scars .
Let the trial begin .. Stated Anita .
Once the witnesses signed in, A jury was picked ..
Gasp and yours truly was to be on the Jury .
Oh how Splendid, for my story, I thought to myself .
A true ring side for all . It was at this time,
Roisin's little Lastat Hens standing close to support their own.
They were dressed well, I give them that, she was after all their leader .
I respected that and their, well, as to their cackles and the such .
It was to be expected .. It was after all not only their own, but again their Leader .
The Charges were serious . Treason alone a pretty big deal ,with witnesses .
Roisin's Lawyer ,also a member of her coven, Calamus Meads
stepped up front with his opening statement .
Calamus Meads looked from one to the other slowly and respectfully
Our case is simple, treason, as it is defined is the crime that covers some of the more extreme acts against one's sovereign or nation. In this case the Court of Venexia and the dwellers of the city. We offer to the Court that she did not commit treason, she in fact was attempting to do the opposite.
Calamus Meads motioned over to Attic
Calamus Meads: As the witness Attic testified under charm, she did in fact go to the prison, but not with the intent of releasing the prisoner Vorden, but to return him to his true blood and rid the Court and the city of his attacks.
Calamus Meads stepped back and pointed to Roisin and looked to the Jury
Calamus Meads: She had learned only days before that his true blood origin was Lestat. She had been trying to lure him into a situation where he could be returned but he was imprisoned before she could do so.
Calamus Meads: I think each of your are either leaders of a Coven or Co-Leaders. I appeal to you, if you knew that one of your own, your blood was being held captive to flawed ideology and insane rhertoric would you not seek to save your kin? Would you not restort to any means necessary to save them?
For the count of Treason We Plead Not Guilty on these grounds.
Anita was quick to reply .
anita Seljan leans agaist the court book as if reading something and nods to the lawyers coment clapping softly as she takes the stand back " well done lawyer but good intentions does not counter bad forsight and worse actions. I'd like to first call lastat leader Nena as a my first witness" waves at Nena to come forword so the jury can better see and hear her
The always Beautiful Lady Nena Stepped forward .
She was brave fair and honest as she gave her testimony .
Challenged from both the accused Lawyer and well The hens .
Lady Nena held her own , and was most believable as a Coven leader herself .
over all an excellent witness .
The Trial continued next up was the Attic the gaunt girl .
Pretty little creature . with character and err umm . a sort of charm
for a gaunt girl .. smile .
anita Seljan turns to the jury once more now that we have gone over weather the
criminal Roisin knew what the court cells held with in them from the start.
like to call my second witness Attic, she of course is human. taking into
custody bickering with her friend in front of the vordens door for this small
crime she has been gaunted. and sentenced to feed all prisoners, and vordens from
her own wrist. to help convert them of course. Attic will you come foreword don't
be shy"
She gave her testimony Now here is where it gets interesting ..
Anita, always the clever one,brought in A Drakul to check the honesty of the gaunt .
Brilliant move Anita. For who would dare argue nor challenge that of the readings of a Drakul .
Sergius Ambroso (sergiusambroso) bowed lightly looking at Inquisitor and stepped
closer, "Sergius of Drakul, at your service."shook his head for a moment as a smirk appeared on his face, "Truth you will
say, I can't reach your mind, but I will read it on your face and will see your
eyes dancing if you try to lie."
[18:31] Sergius Ambroso (sergiusambroso) shook his head to emphasis his words, "She remained calm and her eyes didn't danced, the truth she said, honorable lady. If you don't need my services any more, I will step back, with your permission."
The Court Peers continued to be captivated as they watched in Awe ..
Anita called for Order in the court room once again ..
It was not time for closing statements .
**Oh please note there was a bit of commotion with a visit from descised Vordon
It was handled and Anita's court moved along . smiles
Calamus Meads: my closeing
statement is this
anita Seljan: " then do so now"
Calamus Meads steps forward to the jury
Calamus Meads: I offer to the jury that the witnesses for the prosecution are both prejudgical and hightly unreliable as to the events of the alleged Treasonous accout. One was not present and her testimony is heresay at best. The other is a known degernate and unreliable.
Attic Zeplin: Chews her hair no clue she has been insulted.
Calamus Meads: I ask the jury to look at my client and see a leader....a member of this socitey
Calamus Meads: and then choose to punish the one responsible....the Vorden....Lorenzo and not my client.
Nena Tuscani di Lestat (nena.easterwood): wonders where she is if not present
Jury Trial: Submitted verdict for Juror Breezy Carver
Jury Trial: Submitted verdict for Juror Kylie Lacombe
Jury Trial: Submitted verdict for Juror Morbid Deceit
Jury Trial: Submitted verdict for Juror Liang Scorpio
anita Seljan: " then do so now"
Calamus Meads steps forward to the jury
Calamus Meads: I offer to the jury that the witnesses for the prosecution are both prejudgical and hightly unreliable as to the events of the alleged Treasonous accout. One was not present and her testimony is heresay at best. The other is a known degernate and unreliable.
Attic Zeplin: Chews her hair no clue she has been insulted.
Calamus Meads: I ask the jury to look at my client and see a leader....a member of this socitey
Calamus Meads: and then choose to punish the one responsible....the Vorden....Lorenzo and not my client.
Nena Tuscani di Lestat (nena.easterwood): wonders where she is if not present
Jury Trial: Submitted verdict for Juror Breezy Carver
Jury Trial: Submitted verdict for Juror Kylie Lacombe
Jury Trial: Submitted verdict for Juror Morbid Deceit
Jury Trial: Submitted verdict for Juror Liang Scorpio
Not a sound was heard as they all waited for the Verdict .
One could hear a Pin Drop .. not a whisper was had .
The Contessa Looking Stunning waiting for The Verdict .
With Her Bathory Brothers .
personal note*smiles at Dashing Rafael*
The Verdict was Read as Was The Punishment .
anita Seljan: the lestat coven leader Roisin has been brought up on charges of
treason, consorting with vordens, and vandalize, by her lawyers own account they
do not argue against consorting, or vandalism charges, only the treason.. she
broke a known tarriest out of the courts prison that IS treason in the highest
of degrees. she put her own feelings about a man, a vorden over the welfare of
her sabat, and the city itself. breaking multiple laws all for the sake of her
feelings for the man. then has the gall to bring this man forth a known criminal
who has most likely harmed many of you in one form or another over his time in
this city into the very court itself. She left an eye witness to the jail break,
who has under gone multiple truth spells. and it's a known fact that she knew the
vorden was within that cell. as the lawyer so very well put it... look at her as
a leader, a leader that has forsaken the safety of her city her own race for a
4 jurors found defendant GUILTY.
0 jurors found defendant NOT GUILTY
1 jurors slept during trial and didn't vote (NEUTRAL)
0 jurors found defendant NOT GUILTY
1 jurors slept during trial and didn't vote (NEUTRAL)
Defendant was found GUILTY with extenuating circumstances and the sentence has
been mitigated.
anita Seljan looks over at roison and slips off the collar from around her neck
" the punishment for treason is free blood"
anita Seljan looks sadly at the girl " from this moment forword roisin till one
week has passed you are stripped of all court rights, and all titles your coven
reverts to your second in command till such time as free blood is lifted. you are
to be hunted like a pray. The court incur-ages all chosen to bite and feed
from you. Once a week is up you may come back to the prison and repent publicly
for your crimes at which time the free blood status will be lifted
Toecutter Slingshot grins under my hood hearing the verdict of free blood being
handed down ............
The Defending Lawyer Storms off after hearing The Verdict .
He Lost ....
Later that Night, Through Out The City .. They Gathered to discuss The Verdict .
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