Monday, June 25, 2012

Fire Festival June 21-23 2012 hosted by the Daemonican Order

 Fire Festival June 21-23 2012 hosted by the Daemonican Order
The festival started with an opening ritual attended by the Order High Priestess Kylie, 
Hierophant Amber, Abbot Tree, Sister Loxy and Sister Senet. 
The ritual was officiated by Sister of Wrath Loxy. 
 The High Pirestess then lit the bonfire. During a summoning to the Elder, 
Highest Priestess Lilitu the Order tossed their torches into the fire. 
Sister Senet somehow caught on fire and burned to ashes. 
Then the spirit of Lilitu appeared. We ended the night with dancing.
 HIgh Priestess Kylie and Abbot Tree were joined in Venexia first Blood Bonding ceremony officiated by Hierohpant Amber. 
Congratulations to this Most Beautiful Couple ..
Dark Paths for Eternity . 
  It was a beatiful and sacred event. They share a love like no other.
 They are not only bound by love but now by blood.
The Fire Festival ended with a ceremonial fire dance.
 Spectacular Dancing and Energy Surrounds each The Coven Members 
and The City of Venexia . Summer is Here .
The Beautiful  HIgh Priestess Kylie 
The Beautiful High Priestess Leads her Powerful and Dear Coven ..
Bravo to this Most Magical, Close and Tender but Powerful Coven for Stunning  Events ..

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