It was a quiet night so I thought .. I rushed through the city ..
nodding to those I met along the way .
No time to chat nor think .. I had to rush to my office to check my mail and the such ..
I just had a feeling something was not quite right .
I entered the building and quickly took up the steps .
Quietly .. I noticed a Letter on my desk .. mm I thought to myself ..There it is ..
Some how I just knew .. I had a feeling this was not going to remain a quiet evening , In the city that never slept .I went to pour myself a Goblet of Port and proceeded to open the envelope slowly as I began to read .. It was from said Gentleman Lord Torin Helendale, a member of The Inquisitori .. I had heard of this sector but had not had the chance to meet any of them as of yet .
I placed my port down on the shelf . This was indeed quite serious !
I was stunned with the contence of the letter. This Torin Helendale was quite calculating in contacting me , for he must know this would NOT sit well with me ..
The city must know this story .. It must be told and shared with all .. Immediately !
Greetings Lady Seabreeze,
I am Torin Helendale Inquisitori of Venexia ,
I have a story to share with you of the utmost importance .
It is horrific and I do hope with your help in sharing this ,
we can allert the entire city and get closer to
finding and capturing the horrid chosen that did this .
A Pregnant Pae was attacked, beaten to near death, and her tongue removed...
there are currently no witnesses and she cannot speak nor write...
we are investigating and looking for leads....
also I would like added that Nena Tuscani di Lestat (nena.easterwood)
saved the Pae and child by healing ....she did a good thing and should be recognized
...obviously attacking a Pregnant Pae is against the Court Law and then realm.....
Thank you for time . I shall try to visit your office soon .
With Respect and Dark Regards
Torin Helendale
Inquisitori of Venexia .
Gasp I was stunned with this information as I thought to myself ,
The city would be forever scared until this this Attacker was caught and prosecuted .
With that I heard voices in the Piazza .. I walked over and open the balcony door and walked out .
Then I saw her .. Anita .. The Behind the scenes leader always ..
Always most powerful and stunning in her own right . I respected her privacy always .
But had so wished to meet with her for some time .. I could tell tonight was not going to be the night .
Once again it was just something I felt ..
I still quietly observed the actions and conversation going on between these three souls in the Piazza .
Their voices were not loud , alas being a daughter of the night myself,
I had no trouble hearing their words . They were talking to the gal .
Trying to see if they could get her to remember anything more .. Their words
were kind and they seemed to be very patient and understanding with her .
This made me proud , Alas we chosen are not always cruel as the mere mortals seem to think.
ah then I was old school thinking it best to rule in fear always .. smiles .
As I looked on to the group I could see there were three .
The girl was young . a pretty little thing, even for a human, not to sure about her foul smell ..
It was more then those dead fish she carried , but i could smell she was with child .
How sad . What had happened to her .. How very horrific and tragic Indeed !
Yet some how she still seemed to have an innocence to her,even from a distance .
Anita had every intention with her the help of her Inquisitori to turn every stone
in the city .. There are a lot .. She would not rest till they got to the bottom
of this awful crime against the court ! Yet even Anita needed and wanted more information.
Ah they are speaking to the girl FairlyCertain (( fitting name))
Anita wanted to go over the clues yet one more time , there are some ..
Torin began to state what they knew thus far .
1) The Girl ,She has been badly mutilated...her tongue cut out it...
Nena was able to heal her and her child is still safe
but not restore her tongue,unfortunately"
2) Faire pointed to a picture of a Female in a Lovely Gown .
Note the Attacker was a well Dressed Woman .
Faire acts out
Torin nodded to Faire "She tore at you or drug you here?
how did you come to the piazza?" he frowns and looks to Anita quickly "I found
her alone and broken over there...she cannot speak or write...I hope someone saw
or heard something which is why we need the papers" he sighs
Faire looked at him, she taps her flat hand on
her chest, then acts out staggering about, one hand laying on her forehead....
then acts out collapsing at his feet.((( anita stops her foot a bit of her old brattyself peeking out " well how am i to fill the paper work properly, when i wasnt here when the girl was found got to know the facts too))
The we shall find You the facts Anita !!
And you shall be able to fill out your paper work too !!
The First Meeting
Nina arrived with Torin and Faire to visit with Breezy .
To share the facts and exchange what they had thus far ..
This was going to take some work and help from the Entire City !!
Some one must have heard or saw Something !!!!
Some One !!
I jotted down some notes as we closed out our meeting .
We made a pac to stay in-touch , Our Purpose was to find this Fiend !
((on a personable note from myself and all the City, Welcome Home to Dear Nena ))
The modest always caring Healer .. Our Hero of this saga,thus far,
for finding the girl and helping her.
So Venexia Will You help us ????
Ah Sweet (feisty) Faire ((even with those smelly fish ))
There is a well dressed Horrid Predictor Out there
((well let's be honest, there are many))
But one has broken the laws of the Court with this Horrid, Disgusting Act .
To Beat, almost to death this young creature with child, and then Butcher her tongue
Out of her Mouth and eat it right in front
of her victim is unacceptable Venexia Behavior !
Any Information on this act of disgust ,Any .. Please contact
The Inquisitori At Once
Thank you !
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